All posts by Batboys

Further On Up The Road

After many years of pub-crawl inactivity and domain renewals, I’m shutting down this domain.

Turns out I had dozens of domains that I once registered and used, but have now just become an annoying recurring bill from GoDaddy. They made the mistake of cranking up .au costs by almost 100% which got my attention and forced me to decide if I still wanted them or not. Mostly not. And certainly not with them.

I’ll be moving the content from this site to and then eventually redirect this domain until it expires in June 23. If anyone wants to take it over before then – drop me a line and let me know.

Hope you’re all well and fighting the good fight, and then enjoying a delicious beverage or three on the weekend with someone to keep you warm.

Let’s never give up on the idea of another weekend together in Bathurst sometime further on up the road. See you then.


A message from the 2011 CSU club president:

To whom it may concern,

My name is Matthew Coote, current president of the CSU Mitchell Rugby Club for 2011.

As part of the executive’s objectives for 2011 we put forward that we would like to reform and strengthen the club’s alumni network to allow all past and present players the opportunity to have sufficient contact information from different eras.

Taking this into consideration, I would like to ask for your help in recruiting all the Old Boys of the club by passing on the following information to the boys who you have still stayed in contact with.

The club will be hosting a ‘Bumblebee Ball’ on Saturday August 13th (2011) which is also our annual ‘Old Boys Day’ where we encourage all the old boys of the club to come down and watch the current crop of boys. What makes this day even more special is that we are hosting cross-town rivals Bathurst Bulldogs which will make it even more enjoyable when we beat them in front of all you guys!!!

Also, in an attempt to gather all the contact information from everyone and create a stronger alumni network, we have created the following website.

Please take some time to visit the site and register under the ‘Mitchell Army’ so we can collect everyone’s information and contact you about future events. We feel this is a great opportunity to start to target more reunions for clubs and allow a network for old boys to stay in touch and reminisce and even relive some of the good old days. If you have anything you would like to add to the website such as photos, stories etc please send them through.

I hope I haven’t taken up too much of your time and from the club’s point of view we really appreciate any help and support you can provide by forwarding the information on to other Old Boys of the club. The word from the grapevine is that good old ‘Thomas B Rugbyboots’ will already be attending.


If you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact me through email or on 0419 699 288


Kind regards,

Matthew Coote

Batboys 2006 wrap / Batboys 2007 ?

Hi fellow Batboys

Just a quick note on Batboys 2006. Although our numbers were not great (probably less than 10 during the day I would guess) we had a damn fine time.

Dee made a comeback after being AWOL in the UK for many years. Scotty also made a return appearance after just being a lazy shit for a while.

Awesome to catch up with everyone again. Having the crawl in November was nice for a change – I certainly appreciated the warmer nights when I walked home from the Vic at 4am or whenever it was I woke up there ;) Just have to remember to pass out in a pub closer to my accommodation next time. Bloody long walk Keppel Street is.

After much planning and preparing I managed to leave my camera in Sydney so the only pics I have were on my phone which doesn’t have the best camera in it. I’ll try to get them online soon. I know some others were taking pics too so please get in touch with me about posting them.

I know Mark and I are keen to have another reunion this year if people are keen? Be great to see a few more faces but we seem to have fun regardless of who turns up. Probably around the same time – weather was nice, no clashes with Rugby etc. Did I mention the weather was nice?

Will try to post a date soon – you can subscribe to the RSS feed of this site to get the latest news etc. Otherwise keep in touch with Mark and we will post the info soon.

Just a quick note – Doug Griffin has surfaced in Hong Kong and has included his email in our contacts page. Contact him or myself about the rest of his info if you need it. Nice to hear from you Doug.

See you all soon.

Shine on.

Batboys XV 2006 – November 25

Hey everyone!

Just letting you all know Batboys Pub Crawl is on the 25th of November this year! Sorry if this is short notice for some of you, but better to have one than not at all!

If you want a shirt I will need to know by the 5th of Oct. I will be in Hong Kong/China for about 2 weeks from the 9th Oct till the 22nd Oct and will have to organise shirts before I leave.

Let me know on time, other wise turn up to the crawl an I can arrange a shirt afterwards if anyone wants one.

Please let other Batboys know, I haven’t got all their contact details!

Hope to see you all there,



Batboys XIV 2005 Wrap-up & photos

What another brilliant re-union !!

Another great year has come and gone – and only the more special for not having one last year cos Nesic was married or something (have we bled that joke dry yet?).

Got the photo’s online now at – no extra members this year :)

Friday night again was a big “night before” starting at the Park Hotel before moving on to the Eddy, Knicker and finally The Family.

Bloody big enough night in itself.

Starting at the Park was myself, Stewart Pearson and Nesic. We were joined at the Family by Burkey, Chipper, Milto and others.

EDIT: For photos from Friday night – see my moblog –

As has been the case the last few years, the day after the night before led a few of us to have a pretty slow start at the Park for Breakfast. Don’t think we even left for the Commerial until about 12noon. Joining the re-union that morning was Scott Green, Jono Phillips & Spud – a pretty small bunch this year.

But still – Pound For Pound….

After the Commercial was The Kings (in the process of being done up !!), Panorama, The Family, The Vic and the Tatts.

The Owen Brothers and Liz (Burkey’s wife’s (Anne) sister – recently back from UK) joined us at the Panorama as our token girl for the year. At the Tatts we found Tim Findlay and Biggles who were up for the Old Boys Re-Union.

From the Tatts is was back to the Park Hotel for a feed and watching the Rugby Test. We met our final Batboys of the day – Wombat and Sloth who had been playing during the day.

We never did get up to Mitchell on the day – bit lazy as we went round. Stewart Pearson did get his ass up there but the rest of us just never got there. Well done Stewart.

Overall I think we had about 15-16 Batboys back for the day – probably never more than 10 at any given time. But everyone agreed it was still a great day. Would be nice to see a few missing faces next year – Rob, Phil, Dougy, Chris etc. But if 10-15 people keep making the effort – I think we will be going for a while yet!

After the Rugby it was back to the Family where it was packed !! We bumped into some old friends – Pete and his brother Ben. Buggered if I can remember the other name now… Freddy (from Rafters) also turned up with his wife.

Some highlights from a fuzzy mind:

Nesic sleeping in his car the night before (think I forgot to mention the room number)
Great local band at the Family
Top breakfast at the Park – nice sit down job this year. Good work Spud.
Cranky bitch at the Commercial
Same blokes in the same position at the Kings
Jono not belting me for the photo from 2 years ago
Wombat getting dragged over the bar at the Park

Great weekend !! Looking forward to the next one – IN JANUARY / FEBRUARY NEXT YEAR !!! Stand by for more details of Batboys XIII – The Missing Crawl – Batboys take on Gotham City

Mick Quinn

Batboys XIV 2005 this weekend !!

Five more sleeps !!!

Just a bit of an update to let you know whats going on. All is set for this weekend.

Breakfast is at the Park Hotel about 8:30 – 9:00am. After that we are pretty much winging it as we go along.

If your looking for accommodation then you might look at the Park Hotel or the Knickerbocker. Both pretty good. I’ve done the last three Batboys at the Knicker but I’ll be staying at the Park this year. Save the walk in the morning !

I assume a few of us will be gathering Friday night somewhere. It usually ends up at the Eddy but might be at the Park again too.

Pretty much go with the flow once we get there but we won’t be too far from Eddy / Park / Ox I would imagine.

Mine and Nesic’s details are on the contact page if you need to get in touch.

I’ll be flying to Sydney Tuesday but should have internet access till Friday. Otherwise just call the mobile.

FIRE UP !!!! See you Friday night or Saturday…

Batboys XIV Breakfast

Hey ho ! Just to let you know we have confirmed the Park Hotel for breakfast for Batboys.

Guess it will be about 8-9am on the day. Still working on lunch.

At some stage we can wander up to Mitchell to watch the boys go round against Cowra. Plus we will find somewhere to watch Aus v NZ on the TV.

Maybe we can get to see pretty boy Dougie in the crowd seeing as he isn’t coming to Batboys.

Another note – got a new website up for CSU Rugby Old Boys –

Starting to get very fired up !!

Batboys XIV 2005

Batboys is back for 2005 !!!!

Unfortunately we missed last year whch would have been the 13th Batboys.

Obviously games containing 13 players are for girls anyway so its no great loss :)

We have settled on August 13th 2005 for the date. Its the day Australia plays New Zealand in Sydney for the Bledisloe cup so we should be able to watch it somewhere good.

Either CSU-Mitchell Rugby has a bye or they are playing Cowra at Mitchell Oval. So if they are playing we will hopefully make a visit to the grounds to watch a game or two.

As yet we haven’t made any more plans than pick a date. But with two months to go – we will sort it out soon and get it up here asap.


Batboys XII 2003

August 16 2003 Well what a huge !#@$ day !! Absolutely brilliant fun again.

While down a few numbers this year due to rugby, a car rally, babies, generally being a blouse. Those that did turn up had a ball.

The jumpers looked warm – the beanies stood out – and we looked fantastic !!!

12 pubs in all from my memory: Park Commercial Kings Bowling Club Panorama Knicker (nice lunch Dougie) Family Tatts Vic Railway Ox Eddie Park to finish off.

Did anyone make the filthy Tavern this year ? I lost Phil at the Railway… Last men standing were myself, Nesic (who died but came back strong once off the beer and onto the Bush Chooks) and Tim Brown.

Big special mention to the return of Chris Aleyne after several years absence. Also Ron McCumstie joined us again, Jonesy stayed away (poof), Milto had a little sleep about midday at the Bowling Club, Chipper was in fine form and we all got scared out of the Tatts by some oldies pub crawl.

I’ll write a bit more in the next week or so once I get the photo’s developed. I’m about to move to sunny Mildura in Victoria next week so will be offline for a bit. But if anyone wants to write a few memories of the day then send them to me. As well as photos of this year I have lots of pics from last couple of years. Mr Nesic will also be giving me details of excess jumpers he has for sale, plus we might do another run of Beanies if there is enough interest.

All the best.

Mick Quinn