Category Archives: AusClicks

So long and thanks for all the fish…

After 13 years I have decided to close down the AusClicks website and move on. This is a last post for anyone who follows us on RSS or whatever so you can read it before the site is closed.

For the last few years I have been way more focused on my Teacher Education studies and a few other projects on the side – and life in general. Initially I thought I would keep AusClicks going as a side thing but it quickly dropped off my radar and I have mostly just been looking after existing customers, nothing new.

I thought the AusClicks City program would be something to keep it going but revenue from Google AdSense just kept dwindling despite good traffic and they stopped paying for themselves. Covid more or less killed tourism revenue from places like Hotels Combined so that was more or less the end of that. I could have chased more web advertising but I don’t really like the internet advertising industry so… Those sites were closed last year as the domains ran out. Bit sad about that but the work just wasn’t worth it.

Every year the AusClicks domain comes up for renewal I am tempted to just let it expire, but then it’s “just one more year”. I think letting go of last year was cathartic so it’s time to say goodnight to this one too.

I have moved all relevant content from the main AusClicks website to a wordpress account – – turns out I set that up in 2010, had fun recovering that on an old email… Once I post this I will redirect this domain to that one.

As for exisiting customers I will continue to service their domains and websites as per usual. I’ve been doing it under my own name mostly the last few years anyway. There will be a few changes rolled out this year but I will email them as needed. I am about to tidy and rejig a bunch of my own domains so I will post about that once it’s sorted – but is probably a good place to go soonish.

THANK YOU to all customers from AusClicks, Mildura Internet, and Double Pepperoni. I’ve been doing websites and stuff for others since around 1998 which is a pretty decent run. Most of it was fun. Servers crashing in the middle of family holidays was not fun. Email was not fun. But most the rest of it was awesome.

I have seen businesses come and go, some did so well they got bought out, some just continue to roll along, others didn’t make it and had to close. I’ve had several bitter sweet moments when a business got so big or embraced the internet so much they ended up having to have someone full-time looking after things for them. The internet and what it means for a business has completely changed the world since I started in 1998 (and personally well before that).

It was a fun ride. Time to get off. Thanks.


Email and Domain Switch Done

Looks like we had a few bugs to iron out during the week, but it looks like our transfer of domain registrar and email hosting provider has finally been sorted out and it’s all working great now.

Had a small hiccup with the email transfer which meant we did not get any emails sent from probably Monday morning till Thursday afternoon. Probably not the best week to be having a problem like that but then there is never really a good time to switch stuff like that.

So if you did send AusClicks an email or contact form in the last few days – unfortunately, we didn’t get it and probably won’t. Sometimes these issues sort themselves out and you get a backlog of emails that have been waiting – but not this time I think. If you could be so kind as to accept our apologies and please resend your inquiry. No – unfortunately you won’t have received a bounce-back or something before – it just completely disappeared.

Continue reading Email and Domain Switch Done

Halfway there with domain switch

OK, so far so good with out domain registrar switch. Now for the fun bit.

So far the switch to Hover has been pretty smooth sailing – same as out other 50+ transfers we have done in the last month or so.

But AusClicks is a little different. Our website is hosted on a WordPress MU Network install (one WordPress, many sites), but our email has been hosted by NetRegistry for about two years.

It was back in around May this year we started having real issues with our emails – and old registrar and host in general. So I have been looking for a good solid alternative since, 3 or 4 attempts later, I’m very happy with the new setup and pretty excited for what we can do next year and beyond.

But still, we need to do one last switch – either it will be as smooth as everything else – or I will be a little ball of stress at the Dubbo Chamber Breakfast tomorrow morning out at Lazy River.

See you there !!

PS – if you find our email borked. Call, contact us on AusClicks Twtter or use

Email might be a bit wonky this week.


Just letting you know our email (and even website) might be a bit wonky this week.

We are switching over to our newish domain registrars and hosting this week, and so the usual problems with such things might pop up.

Hopefully everything will be back to business as usual asap, and then we can start chatting about some of the exciting things we have been planning for 2014.


See you on the other side.



Michael & AusClicks speaking at Dubbo Chamber Breakfast

Michael Quinn (from AusClicks Dubbo) will be speaking about using Google AdWords in Your Business at the Dubbo Chamber Time To Network Breakfast, this coming Wednesday, May 1.

Google Adwords can work for all types of business – big and small. See how to get qualified traffic and leads coming to your website when customers are looking to buy your product or service.

People spend more time on the internet everyday – computers, smart phones, and now tablets. Advertise where they are!

What’s the difference between SEO, PPC and Local Listings? Search Network or Display Network? Find out on Wednesday.

Michael will give a quick overview of the latest changes including Ad Extensions, Dynamic Ads, new changes in Trademark rules, plus the all new Enhanced Campaigns starting soon.

Join Michael at the Outlook Cafe this Wednesday, 7am for a 7:30am start.

Michael Quinn & AusClicks are a Google AdWords Certified Partner.

For bookings and more details, head to the Dubbo Chamber website.

Thanks to Orana Mutual for sponsoring the breakfast.

2012 Mobile Year in Review

This year, mobile tech and wireless innovation stole the spotlight. Take a look back at some of the most remarkable moments in Mobile Future’s 2012 Mobile Year in Review video.

Some highlights:

– More than half of Americans now own smartphones.
– At 31 million tweets, the American election was the most Tweeted event in history.
– This Thanksgiving, Instagramers shared a record 10 million photos.
– Apple sold more mobile devices this year than they’ve sold computers ever.
– Mobile data usage doubled in 2012 and over 50% of all mobile data is video.
– The U.S. leads the world in next-generation mobile.
– NASA’s Mars Rover checked-in on Foursquare from Mars.

For resources:

Google’s New Privacy Policy


You could be clever and say “this policy means there is no privacy”, but it’s really just spelling out clearly what Google have been doing for a couple of years.

Basically they are watching what you do, and then trying to provide you with a better internet experience from their point of view.

If this kind of thing spooks you, enable Private Browsing on your web browser, should do the trick. Personally I like the customisation features – I get frustrated more when things like this don’t learn from what I do.

What do you think?

Dubbo +1 – It’s a girl

Michael and Fiona are very happy to announce the arrival of Juliet Ava Quinn, born 7:08pm, 16th of January. 3.6 kg and 48 cm.

All happy and well.

Thanks to the great team at Dubbo Base Hospital who cared for us all day, and Glenis who looked after one very excited to-be sister all day too.

All home safe and now learning to juggle.